Let me personally thank Tanzania Ports Authority, National Social Security Fund, Tanzania Communication Regulatory Authority, and the New Africa Hotel for their contribution to the fund. I hope others will come forward and contribute to this ... JITIE UJASIRI WA KUTOKOMEZA UFISADI KWANZA ILI TUFANIKIWE KUTOKOMEZA MATENDE NA MABUSHA, KWANI HILI NI TATIZO LINALOTOKANA NA UMASIKINI NA UKOSEFU WA FEDHA KWA AJILI YA KINGA. NAJUA LA KUTOKOMEZA UFISADI NI SAWA NA NGAMIA KUPITA ...
Urmatoarele locatii pe traseul nostru au fost Jitia si Slobozia Ciorasti, unde ne-am intalnit cu oamenii care ne-au vorbit despre grijile cu care se confrunta zilnic. Saptamana aceasta am initiat si tipul de campanie "door-to-door" (din ...
... DN 66A (Campu lui Neag ? Valea Cernei), DN 17D (Rodna ? Carlibaba), DN 2L (Soveja ? Lepsa), DN 2M (Andreiasu ? Nereju), DN 2N (intre km 8 si localitatea Bogza), DN 2N (Jitia? limita judetului Buzau), respectiv DN 2R (Vintileasa ? Bahnele). ... Bucovina Travel Guide ? Maramures Travel Guide; For business travellers and for expats, the alternative to rent Bucharest apartments over the expensive hotels is the best choice in terms of cost and comfort ...